Handpan musical instrument

Hello, my name is Oleksandr
I am a Ukrainian musician from Kyiv.
Now I am in Odessa.
I play, teach and distribute...
... handpan around the world.

In our online store, you can purchase the Handpan tool. We will provide you with gentle support for all questions that may arise in order to choose the sound that is just for you. Let’s start your new story…

Free shipping

We ship handpan for free worldwide

The best quality

We use only high quality steel


Listen to the sounds of handpan on the website before ordering

Careful support

We personally help you choose a handpan for you


Article: E-Celtic-01


Article: D-Kurd-01


Article: F-Pygmy-01


Article: Fd-Pygmy-01


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Одеса, Україна
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Одеса, Україна